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Eco School

Welcome to our Eco School page

Colin Osbourne, Grandad of Zac in Nursery, along with Mr Stewart, have been working hard and preparing the ground for the installation of a covered seating area in our Forest School. There will be a blackboard to help with Outdoor Classroom days. Our eco-team had a chat with Mr Osbourne and were fascinated by the plans. 


We are extremely proud to announce that in June 2022 we achieved our 8th Green Eco flag! 

Congratulations to our ECO team and all the pupils in Kesh Primary School who helped us achieve our 8th ECO flag.


We will continue to reduce single use plastic,adopt healthy lifestyles and keep following our already established ECO routines within School.

This year we secured a Pollinator Garden grant and we are looking forward to the installation of our new polytunnel this summer. 


Our Eco display board 21-22 (September )
