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Special Educational Needs

Care is taken at all times to match our provision for all children to their own stage of development and to take account of any particular difficulties or special talents which they show. Mrs Gamble, our Learning Support Coordinator, is assisted by Mrs McCrossan and they are the teachers with responsibility for Special Educational Needs and use their time to help children with an additional need receive the appropriate support.

Where provision beyond what can be reasonably given by the class teacher is required, outside agencies may be sought, with parental permission. If necessary, the specialist services of the Education Authority’s Special Education section will be used.

Children with Special Educational Needs are provided with Personal Learning Plans, drawn up by the class teacher, in conjunction with the Learning Support Coordinator.  Parents are fully consulted at all stages as parental support is a key element in helping your child make appropriate progress. 

The school is equipped with two sensory rooms which offer relaxing spaces that help to reduce agitation and anxiety, but can also engage and delight the user, stimulating reactions and encouraging communication.  These are available to all children.
