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Roots of Empathy

KPS has been involved with the Roots of Empathy programme for over 6 years now. The Roots of Empathy programme is a Canadian based programme which aims to 'build caring, peaceful and civil societies through development of empathy in children and adults. The vision is to change the world, child by child.' It is an empathy-based programme designed for children 5-13 and reaches over 1.3 million children around the world.


This year class Year 4 are taking part in the proramme and have lessons each week based on a presciptive programme where they have a 'teacher' who in fact is a baby! Every three weeks the baby ( teacher) visits the class and the children are encouraged and directed to look at the secure attachment relationship between the baby and its parent - which the programme describes as ' the first and most powerful model of empathy'. For other sessions the children have a lot of art work, discussions and story sessions.


Our little teacher this year is Harper. Harper started visiting us in September 2023 at just 3 months old and will continue to visit Year 4 every 3 weeks. There are a total of 29 sessions throughout the year, 9 involving visits from Harper.


For more information about the programme, please visit



Click on the links below to view the photos on our Year 4 class page. 
