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Year 6

 Welcome to Year 6…….our teacher is Mrs.Gamble and our Learning Assistant is Miss.Funston.

Continue to check this page regularly for updates about what is happening. 

Evacuee Day

ICT Task .....Y6 successfully CODING using Scratch . Some very impressive work 👍

Accelerated Reading ......pupils who achieved an average of 85%+ in March🥳🌟👏 Jack/ Most Books. Emily &Luke /highest points and Phoebe / Best Effort 👏👏🥳

World Book Day .........a fabulous day with excellent costumes which reflected a wide spectrum of reading tastes👏🏻 We also had a treasure hunt to find ‘The Golden Ticket’ and win a bar of ‘Wonka’ chocolate courtesy of Charlie aka Luke.....congratulations Indie Mae 🥳

Animals of the Rainforest........pupils had to research their chosen animal and create a factual poster using Pic Collage demonstrating a range of ICT skills👇

Journey through the Bible Exhibition

Year Six were impressed when ‘The Grinch’ arrived at school to join in with ‘Santa’s Daily Mile’ # lots of fun🥳🎅

🍁🍂Using the Forest School........investigating our environment.......symmetry ......activity based learning 🍂🍁

Term 1 .........we enjoy interacting with Annie who teaches us Mandarin!

Maths Week in the Olympiad Challenge 🥳 Missing from photograph are Tia and Eli 👍

The PSNI Hate Crime Awareness Talk was both fun and interesting..........really made us think 🤔

We enjoyed this interactive learning experience # Life Exhibition

World Around Us. - Investigating Flight. As part of our topic work we found out all about the Wright Brothers.

Maths Week .......learning can be fun.

Ditch the Dark

Numeracy .........using our thinking and problem solving skills 👏👏👏

Year 6 helping out in the Polytunnel .......can you spot the caterpillar? 🐛
