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The World Around Us

We were delighted to welcome Miss Li to our classroom this week. She will join us each Thursday and teach us how to speak Mandarin and learn some interesting facts about China. 

“Thinking of others”

We contributed items to the Shoe Box appeal

Healthy Living Week

We had lots of fun trying out new activities to help us stay fit and healthy. Thank you to Loane’s Costcutter (Erica’s Mum) for the fruit platters on Friday - they were delicious 🍓🍇🍎🍉🍍




This half term we have been learning some gymnastic movements with Coach Damien - the tuck, the pike and the straddle.

The Daily Mile - Y2 style 😀


Instead of completing laps of the school Year 2 ran baton races for a very impressive 20 minutes 👍

Rugby skills with Rob and Mark

Fitness Fun with Mrs Brimstone

