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  • October 2019

    Fri 25 Oct 2019

    Our School Council and Eco Teams have been busy once again keeping our school organised and eco friendly. We are aiming to reduce our single plastic use by ditching straws in Years 3-7, with the aim to make it whole school by the end of November. We are also encouraging pupils to use reusable water bottles. Our School Council is busy helping with policies, sorting equipment to enhance outdoor play and voicing the opinions of the children in the school. The School Council went round each class and did a PowerPoint presentation on issues regarding the dinner hall, from how the Table Points System works, how to earn table points and general rules during dinner time in the hall.


    Year 5 designed posters using the iPads to highlight the book sale being organised to raise money to buy new books for the Accelerated Reading Programme. The posters were displayed around the school and also the sale was announced in assembly and a letter sent home to parents. The School Council also helped to sort books that came from our old school library, which did not suit the Accelerated Reading Programme. These books were then sold over the last 2 full school days in October. A total of £162 was raised! This money was used to buy new books for the Accelerated Reading Scheme. Thank you everyone! Busy, busy,busy!


    A BIG thank you to all pupils and parents who contributed to the Samaritans Purse Shoebox Appeal. We filled a total of 70 boxes, collected £183 to help pay for postage and packaging.

    We also took part in ‘Slip in to Slippers’ Day to raise money for Age NI. All children were encouraged to wear bedroom slippers within school for one day and raise money for Age NI at the same time. Once again thank you to all parents who helped with this superb cause. 


    A BIG thank you to the PSG who funded the PATHS Programme being introduced to the whole school. This will promote positive thinking and the wellbeing of all pupils and giving them essential strategies to deal with everyday situations and life. Each class will take part in 2 PATHS lessons per week, from a progressive and structured programme. Daily, in each class, a randomly selected Pupil/Child Of The Day will be chosen. This child will wear a special lanyard during the school day to show they have been awarded this title. They will also receive a compliment list with complements from their teacher and friends and themselves! It will be sent home for parent(s) to add their own compliment for their child. A great way to boost self esteem!
